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Item number: 324804

Notebook Medium (A5) Softcover, 121 numbered pages, dotted, black

Our signature notebooks are offered in six different formats, with options in hardcover or softcover, four types of rulings, and a wide array of colors.

• Six formats
• Hardcover or softcover
• 80 -100 gsm FSC-certified paper
• Four ruling options
• Numbered pages and 2 page markers
• Gusseted pocket and elastic closure band
• Blank table of contents
• Personalization options

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Select variant

1. Cover:


2. Size:

A4+MasterA4+Master SlimA5MediumA6PocketB5CompositionB6+Paperback

3. Ruling:

4. Color:

Blank notebook classic


White pages. No margin, no date.

Dotted notebook classic


Discreet dots, set at a distance of 5mm.

Ruled notebook classic


A clear layout with lines.

Squared notebook classic


Offers 5 × 5mm squares.

Product description

121 numerierte Seiten, 8 heraustrennbare Blätter, Falttasche im Einband, Inhaltsverzeichnis und Seitenzahlen, Lesezeichen, Verschlußgummi, Buchblock mit Fadenheftung, Hohe Papierqualität (80g/qm), Titel- und Rückenschilder zur Beschr